Curso Para cada problema una solucion meditacion diferente en Malaga

Para cada problema una solución

Meditaciones para todos los momentos de la vida

Curso con  Kelsang Thaye

Nuestros problemas surgen de nuestros estados mentales negativos como el malhumor, el apego, el egoísmo, el ansia, etc… Buda nos enseña que cada uno de estos estados mentales lo podemos contrarrestar con una meditación específica, con una virtud.  Los problemas no los podemos evitar pero la reacción que tenemos a los mismos sí. Y así disfrutar de bienestar y felicidad. 

Para cada  problema, existe una meditación.  En este curso la maestra K. Thaye te enseñará meditaciones que puedes aplicar en diferentes momentos de tu vida para que puedas sentirte siempre bien y mantener paz y serenidad incluso en las circunstancias más difíciles.


  • Theory and practice of guided meditations to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, improve concentration and enjoy peace and quiet.
  • Includes a practice section with space for questions and answers 

Recommended reading:
How to transform your life






Kelsang Thaye He found Kadampa Buddhism in the year 2000, at which point his life took on great meaning and he decided to dedicate it to helping others. Since then he has studied in the different study programs of the New Kadampa Tradition and has made several retreats.

She is a very admired nun for her very positive way of facing difficulties and her precious energy and dedication. As a teacher, she shares all her learning from the heart and with clarity, being a great example for others.


Kadam Gabby has practiced Kadampa Buddhism under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso since 2004. He began teaching Buddhism and meditation in 2006. In 2012 he completed the Special Teacher Training Program (STTP) at our center major Manjushri KMC (England).

His teachings are close and practical, and he gives a clear example of how to put them into practice in daily life.

We have within us an inexhaustible source
of peace and happiness."