Conferencia gratuita en Estepona: Elige ser feliz

Con Guen Chokga

Consejos para vivir mejor

Todos deseamos ser felices y dedicamos mucho tiempo y energía a conseguirlo pero a menudo, sin darnos cuenta, nuestras elecciones nos llevan por otros caminos, y acabamos con más problemas y más decepcionados y a veces nuestra situación incluso empeora. Llevamos tanto tiempo intentando estar bien que incluso podemos llegar a pensar que es imposible. 

Debemos saber que nuestras elecciones cotidianas y la dirección que tomemos en la vida juegan un papel importantísimo en nuestro bienestar y felicidad.

Guen Kelsang Chokga, discípula del venerable Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso Rimpoché, maestra de meditación de renombre internacional y directora espiritual nacional de España y Portugal nos compartirá estos consejos que serán como una lámpara en el camino.



Gen Chokga Junio 2022 KMC Espana scaled 1


Gen Kelsang Chokga she is our resident teacher and national spiritual director of the NKT in Spain and Portugal.

He has studied and practiced under the guidance of the Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso since 1998, since then he has dedicated his life to imparting the profound teachings of the Buddha.

Her clarity in transmitting the teachings and her caring nature make her an exemplary Kadampa practitioner.


Kelsang Thaye He found Kadampa Buddhism in the year 2000, at which point his life took on great meaning and he decided to dedicate it to helping others. Since then he has studied in the different study programs of the New Kadampa Tradition and has made several retreats.

She is a very admired nun for her very positive way of facing difficulties and her precious energy and dedication. As a teacher, she shares all her learning from the heart and with clarity, being a great example for others.

We have within us an inexhaustible source
of peace and happiness."