

Los beneficios de la meditación

con José Ariza

Vemos el mundo a través de nuestro propio prisma. En base a nuestras experiencias y aprendizaje percibimos las cosas de una manera u otra. Con ello podemos deducir que no “vemos con claridad”. Nuestra visión del mundo está condicionada por nuestros pensamientos, que la mayoría de veces son negativos o poco constructivos.

Todo lo crea nuestra propia mente…..Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de cambiar todo lo que nos rodea gracias a la meditación. En este curso aprenderemos a “ver” el mundo de una manera más realista y a afrontar las adversidades de una manera más constructiva y positiva. ¡MEDITA Y VERÁS!


  • Theory and practice of guided meditations to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, improve concentration and enjoy peace and quiet.
  • Includes a practice section with space for questions and answers 



Jose Ariza


Jose Ariza  he was introduced to Kadampa Buddhism in 2006. The Buddhist teachings have answered all the existential questions and doubts he had. José is the father of a family, lives with his wife and three children. He is currently studying the Fundamental Program and the Teacher Training Program. He teaches meditation classes both in the Urban Temple in Malaga and in the Traditional temple.

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Kadam Gabby has practiced Kadampa Buddhism under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso since 2004. He began teaching Buddhism and meditation in 2006. In 2012 he completed the Special Teacher Training Program (STTP) at our center major Manjushri KMC (England).

His teachings are close and practical, and he gives a clear example of how to put them into practice in daily life.

We have within us an inexhaustible source
of peace and happiness."