

Reduce your stress and anxiety and thus enjoy true happiness

We can all live without stress, even if it sometimes seems impossible in our daily lives, with so little time to carry out all the activities that we have pending that sometimes we feel that we have not reached anything.

Much of the tension or stress we experience originates in the mind, and many of our problems, including poor health, are caused or aggravated by stress.  

Today many people suffer from anxiety and stress at some point in their lives. Sometimes it is due to work, other times due to problems at home or in other circumstances due to difficulties in relationships with others. 

We need practical methods to reduce and prevent the accumulation of stress.

In this practical course you will learn mainly through guided teachings and meditations to:

  • Identify and reduce the causes of our stress, nervousness or anxiety.
  • How to learn to react positively and constructively to difficult situations.
  • Verify from your own experience that regardless of our circumstances, when our mind is at peace, being happy at all times is possible.

The course is suitable for both beginners and advanced.

No prior knowledge is required to enjoy this experience.

Everyone is welcome!

Recommended reading:

Saturday April 9

10:30-12:00 1st session 

12:30-1:30 p.m. 2nd session

Click here to see the schedule

Saturday March 26

10:30-12:00 1st session 

12:30-1:30 p.m. 2nd session




Kelsang Thaye He found Kadampa Buddhism in 2000. Since then his life acquired great meaning and the desire to be of service to others.

She has been a Kadampa nun since 2020 and has studied for 21 years in different study programs, practicing and sharing the teachings of Buddha in different Kadampa meditation centers.

We have within us an inexhaustible source
of peace and happiness."